
Thought bubble
Thought bubble

thought bubble

Our curators from Digital Scholarship, Contemporary British Publications (including our Web Comic Archive) and Arabic collections will be there, and you will also be able to find out more about the British Library in Yorkshire. If you are coming to Thought Bubble, you’ll be able to find us in the Bubbleboy Hall, tables 5-6. It is very important to us that these comics are included in our collections, as they reflect a diversity in experience and expression that we might not find out about otherwise. Thought Bubble is a great opportunity for us to talk to independent comics creators from across the UK, and find out more about new comics. We’ll be taking part in the convention with our own British Library stall, and encouraging comics creators to deposit copies of their comics with the Library, so that they can be preserved and accessed as part of our legal deposit collection of UK publishing. The Legal Deposit and You, written and drawn by Olivia Hicks Our events at Thought Bubble are part of the Library’s growing cultural programme in Leeds and West Yorkshire, reflecting that the Library has had one of its two sites at Boston Spa in West Yorkshire since the 1960s, which is home to around 70% of our collection. The British Library will be participating in events and the convention itself, to talk about our comics collections, and comics in the 21 st century. Thought Bubble is the Yorkshire comic art festival, with events in the week starting 8 th November, and ending in a two day convention in Harrogate on 13- 14 th November. By Ian Cooke, Head of Contemporary British Publications, Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator and Kenn Taylor, Lead Cultural Producer (North).

Thought bubble